01288 356635

Welcome to Bude Foodbank Plus

We support around 1,300 adults and children every year in Bude and the surrounding area who are urgently in need of food. Here at Bude Foodbank,  we ensure that families and individuals receive the basic food & care that is easy to take for granted.  

We aid adults facing financial pressures & worries as a result of limited income through our Christians Against Poverty (CAP) project, where people can arrange meetings with us to help them get to grips with their financial problems and even support those have gotten into debt.

Bude Food Bank

1. Increase the number of food parcels we give out from 1,749 in 2020 to over 2,000 by April 2022

2. Help an additional 50 adults and children with food support by April 2022(we supported 600 children and 300 adults in our community last year)

3. Fund a new Family Support Worker from September giving emotional and practical help to 40 families by April 2022. We still need to raise an extra £15,000 by September to fund this work

4. Help 60 individuals and families with our new financial advice service (starts July 2021)

5. Run 8 new practical workshops by April 2022 (starting from September) to help clients improve their skills and confidence, supporting them back into work

Together we need to raise £130,000 to achieve this during the year!
Donate at www.budefoodbank.org.uk/donate below:

Our New Counselling Service

From September, we’ll also be offering a new counselling service that will support adults and children who are facing emotional or mental health problems. These will include 1-1 sessions and running a series of group sessions throughout the year aimed at helping people to improve their skills and develop confidence.

Food Service

In 2020, we gave out over 1,700 food parcels to families in critical need – we’ve never supported so many families. With the impact of Covid-19 only beginning to hit, we have a hugely challenging year ahead.

We have bigger plans to not only give out much-needed food support but also offer wider emotional and practical help at a time when mental health issues have never been higher. If you need food, please get in touch

Financial Advising

Since the very first COVID-19 lockdown, many people’s financial circumstances have become challenging. We’re here to offer judgement-free advice, regardless of your situation. Come chat with us today.

“I can’t thank the foodbank enough. I never thought I would end up in this position. After losing my job and bringing up my son on my own, I simply couldn’t make ends meet. I don’t know what I would have done without them.”

If you’re able to help us with a donation, please click below

Every penny you donate will be helping to put food on the tables of those people in our community who are struggling right now and to offer them wider emotional and practical support.

“I never thought I would be in this position and it all happened so quickly. I lost my job and my partner left me all within a month. I now don’t have the basics I need to put food on the table for my 3 children.”



We need to raise over £90,000 every year so that we can continue to help people facing food shortage, financial advice and emotional and mental health issues.

We’re reliant on the support of our Bude community to help us ensure that people struggling in Bude and the surrounding area have the help they need. After all, we believe that nobody in our area should have to go without the basic things that we so often take for granted. Please help support our work with a donation.

Stay in the loop with all latest happenings at Bude Foodbank